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3 Critical Areas an IT Consultant in NYC Can Help Small Business -

Written by Ludovic Levivier | 25 July 2023

When you started your small business, hiring IT consultants in NYC was not at the top of your to-do list to grow.

You probably had a computer whiz on staff. And truth be told, your computer whiz did just fine.

The complexity of technology has changed rapidly, though.

The ability for one or two people in your office who are not experts in IT to handle everything that needs to be done is now severely diminished.

For example, there’s a good chance your business uses more than just standalone computers or basic internet access.

Some common business systems probably found in your office include:

  • File sharing
  • Network (wired and/or wireless)
  • Telephones
  • Messaging (email, chat, audio, video)
  • Security
  • Data management
  • Printers and scanners

So at any one time, it is critical your desktop computers, mobile devices, operating systems and cloud computing are not only working properly, but also protected from hazards like viruses.

It’s difficult to become an expert in all the IT systems your business needs on a daily basis. By letting an IT consultant in NYC handle the systems for you, you will greatly enhance the productivity and efficiency of your small business.

Here are three critical questions each small business owner should be asking themselves.

1. Is my operating system running at peak capacity?

Your operating system controls and manages the hardware and some software of your computers. If your OS goes down, so goes your ability to do any computing. And if it’s not working properly, it can cause unnecessary headaches for your staff.

At LINC Project, we give your operating system a proper diagnosis, and provide enhancements to the system if needed. It’s part of a full system-wide checkup.

Most importantly, it ensures optimal performance (whether you are a Mac or Windows user).

Key factors to help you decide if Outsourcing IT is best for your company.

After the check up, we continue to work with your team to make sure there are no problems with your operating system’s speed or stability.

When your OS is managed and running smoothly, you greatly reduce the chance of having problems.

2. Is my data backed up properly?

Operating systems are only part of the portfolio of IT systems your company uses.

Backing up files and other data is another important component of your business.

There are some things that can happen with your computer system that you have little or no control over. For example, you’re going to have accidents.

You can easily spill a cup of tea on your computer. The power can go out in your building. A surge protector can protect you from voltage spikes and surges, but not a massive lightning strike.

One failure in a network can lead to another. Operating systems crash. Hardware will malfunction. Your computer hard drive can be destroyed.

In that case, you’ll be asking yourself: “What happened to all my files?”

LINC Project is an IT consultant in NYC, so we can visit your office and work with you to create a file backup system so your data will always be protected. We can also ensure the system you use now works properly.

When you work with us, we will set up all of your applications and operating system to automatically backup files locally or in the cloud, with the security that matches your business requirements.

You won’t have to worry about unexpected failures like accidents or power losses. Your data will be protected, which can save you a significant amount of time and money in case there is an accident or unexpected event.

3. How efficient is my network and computer security system?

In June 2017, a massive malware attack hit more than 200,000 computers around the world. The attack came a month after a similarly devastating attack.

The attack could infiltrate company networks if there was even one out-of-date machine on the network.

Not having proper protection from online threats today is considered a sin in business. Hackers can easily gain access to your network and steal your private business files, passwords, customer data and other materials (along with demanding pricey ransoms).

This can put you at risk for losing clients or facing a lawsuit if someone’s private data is stolen.

Security is considered an investment in your business, much like buying new equipment or software. LINC Project works with businesses to help them deploy security based on their needs and budget.

LINC Project can help set up a secure password policy, firewall, network traffic analysis and detection tools, network access control and other solutions to help your business to be secure. These solutions not only mitigate your risk, but protect your company’s assets. There are often many options to help you reach your ultimate goal with security, and LINC Project will discuss each one with you.

If your computer safety is important to you, it’s worth taking the time to speak to an IT consultant in NYC to help you find the right level of protection for your network.