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Managed IT Solutions Q&A with LINC Project’s CEO - part 2 -

Written by Ludovic Levivier | 25 July 2023

How LINC Project provides managed IT solutions that fit client needs

LINC Project Founder and CEO Ludovic Levivier

NOTE: In Part 2 of our discussion, LINC Project Founder and CEO Ludovic Levivier continues to discuss how companies can benefit from managed IT solutions. Want to learn more about how LINC Project started out? Check out Part 1 here

QUESTION: What sets LINC Project apart from the competition?


ANSWER: We are a one-stop shop with minimum hierarchy that reduces the number of people the client has to speak with. Calling our hotline at any time during the day will give you the level of professionalism you should expect from an IT services provider.

We intervene both remotely and on-site based on the emergency and

always within the intervention table defined in the contract. It is also part of our core values to help you solve your problem even if not directly related to IT.

QUESTION: What type of training does your team have?


ANSWER: Most of the team has a bachelor’s degree in IT with specificity to network or security systems. We also hold a series of IT certifications (Cisco, Microsoft, VMWare, etc.) that keeps us up-to-date on industry changes and on top of our clients’ technical needs.

QUESTION: What types of clients do you work with? Why do you like working with them?


ANSWER: Our clients operate from diverse industries: events, venture and equities, marketing, an online sales platform.

It is very diverse but they all require the same efficiency and productivity in regards to their IT systems. None of them can afford to have their systems down or even slow. They count on LINC Project to have their systems monitored, maintained, redundant and secure.

At the same time, when systems are running at peak performance, end-users are very demanding because they all want to have the best and most efficient hardware and software. All this pressure makes the daily job very exciting, and enriching our clients’ lives is always our best reward.

Some of our clients have trusted us from day one, and with time, we try to be as integrated as their own staff. When this happens, we know that we achieved something special in addition to the technical services we provide.

QUESTION: What is the popular service you offer right now?


ANSWER: The most popular service is “Managed IT Services.” It is an all-in-one solution that includes all the IT needs a company may have.

We are present from defining the IT strategy to integrating and supporting the most complex IT infrastructures.

The biggest advantage for the client is that they are paying a unique fee per month based on their staff volume and on their IT architecture complexity. From there we provide all the engineering, support, and IT management our clients need. We work along with them to be as competitive as possible.


QUESTION:  Why is it important for people to think about outsourcing their IT?


ANSWER: There are so many factors that would influence this decision: Human resources management, training costs, staff overflow and redundancy.

It is really a peace of mind for companies who entrust their IT to a professional contractor because it is a win-win situation for both the client and the contractor. IT has been evolving like never before and the number of solutions have drastically increased, making it difficult for internal teams to cover all IT aspects in addition to maintain the current solutions.

QUESTION: If a business is looking for an managed IT solutions provider, what should they focus on?


ANSWER: You definitely should focus on the contractor’s hierarchy and flexibility. If the contractor is too big, often you will receive single solutions and services as exactly described in the contract. The problem is it might not fit your company’s needs.

You should also focus on responsiveness: Does the contractor have defined service level agreement?  Does the contractor have intervention timeline based on the level of emergency?

And finally, ask for referrals, clients’ names and contacts.

Interested in discussing how managed IT solutions can help you? LINC Project performs a free assessment on your company’s technology.

The free assessment includes a thorough check on your network, servers and backup system, operating systems and malware/virus protection. LINC Project can also speak with you about improving your productivity by implementing Cloud solutions, data sharing system and monitoring, along with other IT services.

If you want a free assessment to see if a managed IT solution is right for you, call LINC Project today at 646-494-4535.