Did you know that your business is under threat every day? It’s not only more competition and customers that threaten your business.
Technology is probably the biggest unseen threat to your business. Data security is of utmost importance. Businesses find it hard to recover after a data breach and are likely to shut down within six months.
There’s a reason why more than 60% of businesses outsource IT support. Technology is one of the biggest expenses for companies, not to mention there’s more at stake than ever before.
What can IT support in NYC do your business? Keep reading to find out.
Predictable IT Expenses
If you keep all of your IT services in house, you know how expensive it can be. You have to replace servers, upgrade software, and hire staff to manage everything. That can add up and be hard to budget.
You don’t know when you’re going to have to invest in upgrading hardware, which makes your costs unpredictable.
Outsourcing IT services and support will make your budget more predictable. You know how much your IT costs will be each and every month.
Stay Up to Date with Technology
Are you still relying on Windows XP to run your office? There are many reasons why companies don’t upgrade their software suites. The costs and time involved in upgrading are usually too much.
IT support can advise you on the latest solutions to implement in your business. That will help your systems stay up to date and secure.
Focus on Your Business
As great as technology is, it’s almost inevitable that something will go wrong.
IT support allows you and your team to focus on your job of serving clients. You could spend hours trying to figure out why email isn’t working. The alternative is to make a quick call and get it resolved in minutes.
That’s because you’re leaving the experts to handle the technology. You’re an expert in your field. Would you let someone without your level of expertise handle valuable client work? Probably not. Let the experts do what they do best.
Enhanced Security Options
Security is the buzzword for businesses today. Data breaches present many issues for businesses. They’re a PR nightmare. They also break the trust of your clients should their sensitive data get leaked online.
Data breaches are a poor reflection for your brand. If your business should be hit with a malware or ransomware attack, you’ll have to deal with lost productivity and more expenses.
You can’t afford to think that your business is immune to attack. Both large and small businesses are breached every day.
IT support services can help you prevent attacks and create a recovery plan just in case your business is attacked.
Your Business is More Productive
How would you like your team to be more productive? Maximizing productivity often translates into more revenue and profits.
How much is your time worth? How much is your staff’s time worth? That’s really the question when you’re considering hiring IT support in NYC.
One report says that the cost of downtime for small businesses amounts to $1.5 million. Fortunately, a lot of those downtime issues are preventable.
IT support ensures that your systems are up and if there is an issue with your network, it gets resolved quickly.
Another advantage that IT support can present is that they can spot opportunities to be more efficient. For example, they may recommend that your systems move to the cloud so your team can access information while they’re on the road.
Problems Get Solved Quickly
It’s annoying when the same printer breaks down or is taken offline for days at a time. It’s inconvenient and it sends the wrong message to your employees. Your employees are likely to think that you’re not willing to invest in fixing the problem.
Here’s what IT support in NYC can do for your business. Get the problem solved in 5 minutes.
Tips to Hire IT Support in NYC
Now that you know why hiring IT support in NYC is good for business, how do you outsource IT support? Here are a few tips to follow.
The first thing to look at is the level of IT experience a support team has. You’re depending on them to resolve issues quickly. The more experience they have, the faster they’ll be able to resolve issues because they’ve previously dealt with the same exact issue.
Certifications in IT are important. There are a lot of complex systems to know and understand. You don’t want to leave your IT infrastructure to someone that talks a big game but really has no idea what they’re doing.
They Have Personalized Service
You want to hand IT support off to a team that treats your business like a unique entity. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach in IT.
You want a team that has a process to approach IT issues but still customizes your IT support services.
Focus on Education
You know that it just takes a click on your email to bring your entire operation down. Most data security issues are caused by employees.
You want to work with an IT support team that focuses just as much on education as providing you with great service.
Hire IT Support for Your Business
Running a business is difficult enough. You don’t want to make it worse by having to deal with IT issues every day. You also don’t want to leave your systems and security at risk because someone clicked on the wrong email.
You want your business to run smoothly so you and your team can focus on what you do best. That’s serving your clients and maximizing your profits. That’s why hiring IT support in NYC can be such a huge asset to your business.
You know your IT expenses, you handle issues right away and your data is more than secure. You also have a trusted partner to count on when things go wrong.
Are you ready to hire IT support for your business? Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your IT needs.
Ludovic Levivier
Founder & CEO, LINC Project, INC. a Managed Service Provider in New York and San Francisco